A new look for Moodle?

A new look for Moodle?

Jul 16, 2015. | By: Richard van Dijk

Time for a change? Over the past few years the pace of change of Moodle has increased exponentially in version numbers. While we haven’t seen the big step from 1.9 to 2.0 again and are unlikely to see this with the change from 2.9 to 3.0 the actual capabilities of the LMS have been improving in all areas.

One particular change has been in the themes area. While less themes come in the standard Moodle install the numbers of third party themes has skyrocketed. Many of these themes are free on Moodle.org. You can also buy themes for as little as $39USD from a variety of vendors such as Newschoollearning, Moodlethemes and themeforest or as always there are custom themes created by us or the vendors above.

If you are looking make sure you try the demo and go into a course to make sure it looks as you expect for student users.



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